solutions > on-premises collaboration
Rainbow Edge, the ultimate private cloud solution
If your main concern is the security of your hybrid communications and collaboration platform it doesn’t get more secure than Rainbow Edge. A dedicated instance of Rainbow is hosted in a private cloud environment of your choice, making it a truly sovereign private cloud solution.
Why you should go for a private cloud solution
Companies that address data security are on the rise. Dedicated teams for security management are being created on a daily basis and more resources are allocated to this critical topic. The threat is real and organisations have got to find the best way to defend themselves.
Thus, enterprises are now looking for:
- Hosting their data in a private cloud instance of their own choice
- An easily scalable service
- Flexibility of deployment and privacy
Two models to address your hosting needs
Rainbow Hybrid Cloud
A purely ALE hosted and operated data center. ALE is regularly extending the number of data centers in various locations, based on business priorities
Rainbow Standalone Edge
A partner or customer hosted data center, operated by ALE, offering single-tenant private cloud data storage and standalone applicative infrastructure
Main benefits
High Security Platform
The possibility of being hosted in any data center selected by you, with the added capability of having ALE experts operate the service to guarantee quality
Flexible subscription model
Pay for what you use thanks to a subscription model that combines CAPEX investment for the service deployment and OPEX costs with IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) model to cover operations services costs.
Flexible Architecture
Built to accommodate organisations of different sizes by offering a flexible approach that works best for your customers