Rainbow by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise https://www.openrainbow.com/ Enterprise-grade hybrid collaboration platform Mon, 11 Dec 2023 15:20:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://www.openrainbow.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/cropped-rainbow-ale-logo-8-32x32.png Rainbow by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise https://www.openrainbow.com/ 32 32 Rainbow: Awarded with ANSSI’s security certification  https://www.openrainbow.com/blog/rainbow-awarded-with-anssi-security-certification/?pk_campaign=feed&pk_kwd=rainbow-awarded-with-anssi-security-certification Fri, 08 Dec 2023 14:06:00 +0000 https://www.openrainbow.com/?p=242351 The Rainbow solution has recently been awarded with ANSSI’s (Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d’information) security certification, the CSPN.

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Rainbow: Its security recognized by ANSSI’s prestigious CSPN certification

The Rainbow solution has recently been awarded with ANSSI’s (Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d’information) security certification, the CSPN. Rainbow is a robust cloud platform known for its features and its prominent position in the market as a secure and sovereign European solution. Over the years, it has achieved significant milestones. It sets itself up as a trusted solution for businesses looking for shielded and efficient cloud communication services.

It underscores our commitment to user data protection and industry-leading standards. This accomplishment is a testament to Rainbow’s persistent pursuit of excellence in ensuring the utmost data security for its users. The recognition also clearly positions Rainbow as a leader in the industry and it is thus setting the bar high for data protection standards.

“This certification, awarded on the basis of our private infrastructure, is one of the highest in terms of security, and confirms our positioning as a European and sovereign player in communications solutions. The ANSSI has recognized our strict information security policy and our commitment to data sovereignty.

Fabien Brisset, Security Manager for the Rainbow solution at Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise.

What is the CSPN Certification? 

The certification, based on the private Cloud deployment of Rainbow, is the most reliable and trustworthy in France. This attestation covers the confidentiality, availability, and integrity of information exchanged during communications set up with Rainbow. Specifically, it addresses the encryption of streams between Rainbow clients and the hosted Rainbow service. It also covers the encryption of streams between two Rainbow clients in the case of point-to-point communication. These exchanges encompass instant messages, files, voice, and video conversations, as well as screen sharing in point-to-point or multipoint scenarios. The assessment also focuses on user password protection and file storage on the server.

From this day, only two other on-premises video conferencing solutions have received the CSPN certification from ANSSI. Rainbow by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise is the first certified solution in private cloud mode, where service operation is delegated to ALE.

Find out more about Rainbow and the CSPN certification delivered by ANSSI on its website.

Key measures addressed by the CSPN certification

Rigorous security measures

The CSPN (Certification de Sécurité de Premier Niveau) certification addresses the specific security and compliance features that have been implemented by Rainbow. This prestigious validation involves complete evaluations of the system. It is subjecting it to rigorous scrutiny to assess its security measures and compliance with French and European standards. In addition to this, a deep and thorough examination is carried out to ensure the robustness and resilience of the platform. This involves testing the system’s ability to withstand various threats and challenges such as  assessing its performance under stress, and evaluating its ability to recover quickly and efficiently from potential disruptions. This ensures that the Rainbow platform is not only secure but also reliable, providing users with the confidence they need in the product. 

An uncompromising work from our experts

Rainbow’s pursuit of endorsement has been a collaborative effort, engaging our teams with cybersecurity specialists and industry professionals. The expertise of these professionals has played a significant role in shaping and fortifying Rainbow’s security infrastructure. Through rigorous evaluation and enhancement processes, our teams have implemented advanced encryption protocols, refined communication channels, and strengthened user data protection measures. The dedication of our teams reflects our consistency in delivering a secure and thus a trustworthy environment.

The CSPN certification carries significant weight in the industry. It elevates Rainbow’s reputation and standing in a competitive landscape. This endorsement reinforces Rainbow’s position as a trustworthy cloud platform among all the other solutions on the market.

Security is the foundational principle of our Rainbow solution; it is its DNA, and our clients rely on it. Being CSPN certified today is the culmination of years of work by the Rainbow teams. We will make it a major asset for all our projects geared towards innovation.”

Moussa Zaghdoud, EVP (Executive Vice President) Cloud Communications Business Division at Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise.

User Benefits: What it means for you, businesses

Signaling your own commitment to data security

The CSPN (Certification de Sécurité de Premier Niveau) certification addresses the specific security and compliance features that have been implemented by Rainbow. This prestigious validation involves complete evaluations of the system. It has also submitting it to rigorous scrutiny to assess its security measures and compliance with French and European standards. In addition to this, a deep and thorough examination is carried out to ensure the robustness and resilience of the platform. This involves testing the system’s ability to withstand various threats and challenges, assessing its performance under stress, and evaluating its ability to recover quickly and efficiently from potential disruptions. This ensures that the Rainbow platform is not only secure but also reliable which allows users to have confidence they need in the product. 

Communicating trust to your users

Users are increasingly discerning about the technologies they interact with daily. Adopting Rainbow with its CSPN certification allows you to communicate a message of trust to your end users. Your users can rest assured that their data is handled with the highest level of confidentiality, integrity protection, and compliance, fostering a sense of security and confidence in the services provided. 

Strengthening relationships with clients with high security requirements

For professionals engaging with clients, the CSPN certification serves as a differentiator. It is not only a checkbox in a compliance list; it will serve you as a real selling point. Clients, especially those in industries with strict security requirements (local authorities, government, military services, public services, or even private organizations), will appreciate the dedication to data protection and the use of a certified solution. Rainbow’s recognition is a testament to the platform’s dedication to safeguarding sensitive information, creating a foundation for stronger and more resilient client relationships.

Rainbow adapts to unique environments, in areas with complex connectivity challenges. Whether in remote locations or places with limited network access, the private deployment of Rainbow ensures consistent and secure communication.

For instance, in the maritime sector, Rainbow has proved invaluable for secure communication on ships at sea, overcoming inherent connectivity challenges. Banking institutions trust Rainbow’s private deployment to safeguard sensitive financial transactions, aligning continuously with the industry’s rigorous security requirements. Government entities, operating under strict regulatory frameworks, rely on Rainbow for secure communication in defense, law enforcement, and public administration.

Fostering collaborative trust 

Users are increasingly discerning about the technologies they interact with daily. Adopting Rainbow with its CSPN certification allows you to communicate a message of trust to your end users. Your users can be sure that their data is handled with the highest level of confidentiality, integrity protection, and compliance, fostering a sense of security and confidence in the services provided. 

Helping you to transition to the cloud

Starting a transition to cloud computing has been a challenge for many organizations. They are often slowed down by concerns about security standards and all the complexities of adapting to recent technologies. Traditionally reliant on well-established IT environments, these organizations find themselves in an unfamiliar position when considering the move to the cloud. Rainbow, appears as the solution for security and sovereignty which breaks down barriers that have held businesses back.

In fact, Rainbow’s endorsement signifies a shift in the way corporations perceive and approach cloud technology. It reduces the concerns that have held back those accustomed to traditional IT environments and thus it assures them of a secure and compliant cloud solution. Rainbow is designed to be intuitive and accessible. This user-centric approach makes the cloud transition not only a secure choice but also a continuous and collaborative experience for all users.

An ongoing engagement and commitment to cybersecurity

Rainbow has successfully obtained several recognitions, positioning itself as a global leader as a secure and sovereign cloud communication platform. Its allegiance to security extends far beyond geographical boundaries. The platform proudly holds certifications that encompass not only the robust security standards of France but also those mandated across Europe and on an international scale. These approvals serve as a testament to Rainbow’s dedication to supplying a secure and compliant cloud environment for users worldwide. It also reinforces the platform’s reputation as a trusted guardian of data integrity and confidentiality.

In addition to the recent approval from ANSSI, Rainbow displays a large portfolio of industry-leading certifications, including ISO 27001, HDS, HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability) for healthcare, FERPA for education and other national certifications such as the ENS in Spain and the C5 coming for Germany. These certifications highlight Rainbow’s dedication to meeting strict standards across various regulatory frameworks.

The future of security initiatives

Rainbow‘s achievement with the CSPN certification from ANSSI validates its current standing as a secure cloud platform and consequently lays the foundation for the future of cloud security. The platform’s dedication to keeping and expanding on current certifications reflects a proactive stance in the face of evolving cyber threats. Professionals can confidently entrust their data to Rainbow. You can be certain that the platform’s future security initiatives will keep pace with the dynamic nature of the digital security landscape. Choosing Rainbow aligns with a vision for a future where digital interactions are characterized by trust, confidence, and the highest standards of cybersecurity. 

Discover Rainbow right now! 

Explore the certified excellence that sets us apart 

Contact us today to redefine your experience in the world of cloud security.  

Your communications deserve the best; let Rainbow be your trusted guardian! 

The post Rainbow: Awarded with ANSSI’s security certification  appeared first on Rainbow by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise.

How to strengthen the security of your communication channels when cyberattacks and ransomware are on the rise. https://www.openrainbow.com/blog/how-secure-communication-channels-from-cyberattacks/?pk_campaign=feed&pk_kwd=how-secure-communication-channels-from-cyberattacks Fri, 03 Nov 2023 16:24:16 +0000 https://www.openrainbow.com/?p=242287 Learn how to shield communication channels from cyber threats and find actionable strategies to enhance security against cyberattacks.

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How to secure communication channels from cyberattacks

The threat of cyberattacks and ransomware is a growing concern for businesses worldwide. As hackers become more sophisticated and their attacks become more frequent, it is essential for companies to prioritize the security of their sensitive data and processes. 

In this comprehensive blog article, we will explore various crucial aspects of cybersecurity. We will particularly focus on how to secure communication channels from cyberattacks. Our aim is to assist you in safely navigating in the digital landscape and secure your communication through Clouds solutions. We will also provide you with hints on what to check in your VoIP system and VPN.

Additionally, we will introduce the key security features of  Rainbow, our cloud solution. In this article we will show how it emphasizes data sovereignty and European compliance for flexible communication and collaboration.

The rise of cyberattacks and the need for enhanced data security 

The rise of cyberattacks can be linked to the increasing reliance on digital systems.  Plus, it is also linked to the valuable data they contain within corporation infrastructures. Cyber hackers target organizations to gain unauthorized access to their digital ecosystem and infiltrate their sensitive processes. They are motivated by several factors, including financial gain, espionage, or disruption. 

Their goal is to exploit vulnerabilities in corporate networks in order to steal sensitive data. They want to steal data such as customer information, intellectual property, financial records, or trade secrets. 

Furthermore, cybercriminals can disrupt operations or demand ransoms through ransomware attacks, social engineering, phishing, spoofing etc. This often stems from multiple communication channels and a lack of understanding about securing communications 

Ignoring security protocols and using unauthorized, insecure resources heightens the risk of cyberattacks.

In the context of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies, it is important to note that BYOD is acceptable when certain conditions are met. Specifically, your devices must be equipped with robust security agents such as EDR/XDR. The use of these devices must be formally reported to the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) within your organization. This approach ensures that a sufficient level of security and protection is supported, even in the context of BYOD, fostering a safer computing environment. 

Data breaches and leaks

As the trend of remote work continues to gain popularity and becomes more prevalent in our daily lives, it is important to acknowledge and address the growing concern of data breaches and leaks. Today, organizations rely heavily on technology for communication and productivity, the risks associated with unsecured Wi-Fi hotspots in public places and unsecured home internet connections have become more significant.

These weaknesses have created numerous access points that can potentially be exploited by cybercriminals, putting our sensitive information and digital assets at risk. Corporate PCs are actually used to prevent problems of connections in public/ home environment.

Data breaches and leaks primarily result from focused attacks, commencing with an initial phase called “reconnaissance”. This initial step involves gathering information from public or other open sources (e.g. OSINT) to gather related information on an organization that could be used by attackers. These pieces of information can be found on social media, can be linked to habits and to things that people might say in public places. 

In summary, the need for improved data security is primarily due to employees’ lack of awareness. It is also linked to the failure to separate personal and professional work environments, which often leads to data leaks. It is also important to exercise caution when using social media. Sharing too much information, whether through social networks or other channels, can also result in the leakage of valuable information about an organization. 

Best practices for cybersecurity 

To protect your corporation from cyber threats, it is crucial to implement and follow practical guidelines that will reinforce your cybersecurity defenses. 

  • Make sure to not share your passwords on browsers 
  • Make sure that all employees receive regular cybersecurity training to recognize and respond to cyber threats effectively.
  • Get robust, up-to-date antivirus and anti-malware software on all devices, and keep systems and software patched and updated.
  • Use strong, unique passwords and implement multi-factor authentication whenever possible. 
  • When choosing a solution based on the Cloud, scrutinize its security measures, data encryption protocols, and vulnerability management. 
  • Regularly back up essential data and store backups offline to limit ransomware risks. 
  • Limit access permissions and use the principle of least privilege, ensuring employees have access only to what they need.
  • Audit and monitor network activity for unusual behavior and have an incident response plan in place to act swiftly in case of a cyber-attack. 
  • Stay informed about evolving cyber threats and adapt your security measures accordingly. 

                  Encrypted VoIP calls 

                  Organizations need to ensure that not only the exchange of text messages, emails or all kinds of written communications should be secure, but also the telephony aspect of internet communication.  

                  Indeed, it is essential to protect any kind of communication and voice conversations over the internet which must also be secured. 

                  Concerning Voice over internet protocol (VoIP) calls, prioritizing encryption is crucial. Users should be aware that encrypted VoIP calls offer a secure shield against eavesdropping and data interception, ensuring the confidentiality of sensitive conversations. To make the right choice, opt for VoIP service providers that employ end-to-end encryption protocols, and use applications or platforms that prioritize security or encrypted VoIP features. By taking these proactive steps, you can bolster your digital defense and keep your conversations truly private. 

                  Flexibility and VPN, is it compatible? 

                  Organizations usually know the importance of using a Virtual Private Network (VPNs) for securing their data and their communications. It is also essential to consider their flexibility and adequacy for diverse needs.  

                  VPN’s users should always challenge their VPN’s asking, “Is this VPN flexible enough to accommodate to the full spectrum of our organization’s requirements?” 

                  VPNs protect remote work data but may not suit all digital infrastructure. It is also important to check if your VPN aligns with your scalability, performance wishes and the varied technology system. Questioning your VPN on these problematics will help identify your organizations’ needs, especially in the context of remote working and beyond 

                  Ensuring Data sovereignty and Compliance 

                  Reviewing certifications and compliance is crucial for data security and reducing cyberattack risks.

                  Non-compliance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) can result in severe penalties. Businesses must align communication security with GDPR and HIPAA. Prioritizing compliance safeguards data and enhances reputationn and trustworthiness

                  In terms of security and certifications, Rainbow takes several robust measures to ensure the fullest protection of its users’ data. The Rainbow solution is independent of any non-sovereign Act. 

                  By doing this, the platform maintains a high level of data integrity and sovereignty. This ensures all data and exchanges on the platform remain shielded from external interference.

                  The frequency of cyberattacks in today’s digital landscape highlights the crucial importance of robust cybersecurity measures for corporations. When corporations utilize Cloud solutions, they should carefully consider the security measures implemented in their design. For example, corporations must assess their cloud providers’ compliance, certifications, and security to safeguard data from emerging threats. 

                  Our cloud solution, Rainbow, emerges as the ideal answer to secure your communications. 

                  Rainbow Edge is the solution for companies seeking to enhance collaboration and communication and achieve seamless teamwork within their teams while ensuring the security of their sensitive data on their own infrastructure 

                  Elevate your cloud communication and collaboration securely with Rainbow

                  Discover how our secure and sovereign platform can transform your communications.

                  Contact us or simply visit our website to get started with Rainbow!

                  The post How to strengthen the security of your communication channels when cyberattacks and ransomware are on the rise. appeared first on Rainbow by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise.

                  Rainbow Telephony for MS Teams helps companies foster innovation and accelerate digital transformation https://www.openrainbow.com/blog/rainbow-telephony-microsoft-teams-innovation-digital-transformation/?pk_campaign=feed&pk_kwd=rainbow-telephony-microsoft-teams-innovation-digital-transformation Wed, 09 Aug 2023 13:54:45 +0000 https://www.openrainbow.com/?p=241905 Discover how Rainbow Telephony revolutionizes the way your company connects, collaborates, and evolves in today's dynamic business landscape.

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                  It is essential for businesses to embrace digital transformation and be innovative to stay competitive on the market. Rainbow Telephony for Microsoft Teams is a great solution to support a company’s smart and intuitive digitalization journey.

                  With our seamless cloud-based solution for MS Teams, we improve the way businesses can communicate and collaborate, and enable them to achieve cost savings, optimize productivity, innovate, and uncover new possibilities. Let’s discover how Rainbow Telephony for Microsoft Teams can facilitate and make your digital transformation accelerate towards a successful future.

                  A group of professional working in group while one person use Rainbow Telephony for Microsoft Teams

                  Get the most out of your infrastructure while reducing costs with Rainbow Telephony for MS Teams

                  Shifting to the cloud is undoubtedly a better way to store data and to centralize management, collaboration, and communication tools for all users. While it may seem easy, many individuals associate the idea of transitioning to the Cloud with the potential loss of their existing infrastructure. However, our solution allows you the flexibility of leveraging your existing infrastructure, but without having to pay costly fees for maintenance, security, and upgrades.

                  Keep your work environment safe through our secure services (Certified internationally and nationally) and SSO authentication. Our users describe it as a smart, secure, and intuitive communication and collaboration platform, which enables their businesses to innovate without the burden of additional spending. With Rainbow Telephony experience the advantages of cost savings, productivity, and enhanced security while progressing in your digital transition.

                  Woman using Rainbow Telephony for Microsoft Teams while having a call

                  Improving your work environment without disruption

                  At Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise we know how seamless integration and maintaining a familiar work environment is crucial. With Rainbow Telephony for MS Teams, you can enhance your communications capabilities without causing any interruptions or major modifications, simply expanding your digital ecosystem.

                  With our integration, users can leverage their existing tools and workflows while enjoying enriched communication and collaboration capacities offered by our Rainbow Telephony add-in. Our connector allows you to connect your existing PBX to your unified collaboration platform and make the most out of your mobile and fixed line communications. Users keep one business number to reach and to be reached, through their choice of any of their connected devices.

                  Users can now get rid of the fear of having their work environment transformed and of having to learn how to manipulate new tools. With  our integration, it’s possible to improve teamwork, streamline call management and elevate productivity— all with your existing work ecosystem.

                  Transition gracefully to the Cloud and discover all of its benefits

                  Gradually transitioning to Cloud solutions will not only allow users to improve their communication and collaboration tools, but it will also expand your capabilities in terms of work management. While integrating our connector Rainbow Telephony for Microsoft Teams, companies will experience scalability, flexibility, and enhanced accessibility for all users. In an era where we are working remotely and/or traveling more and more, we need to fit in to new ways of working and try to make the employee experience and workforce mobility the most pleasant and accessible to all collaborators. All this means that all users, wherever they may be, will enjoy the same work environment and access it seamlessly through a single internet connection. On the other hand, companies will also be able to rapidly optimize their work environment in function of their growth and how their activities fluctuate.

                  The change is yours to control, and you decide to transition at your own pace. Rainbow Telephony empowers businesses to transition smoothly to the Cloud, letting their needs be customized and fitted to reach the full potential of a digital evolution while maximizing productivity and work management.

                  Open laptop with the Rainbow Telephony for Microsoft Teams interface
                  woman typing on her laptop while using Rainbow Telephony for Microsoft Teams

                  Moving to the Cloud prepares your business for the future!

                  Our teams of researchers are already imagining what is going to be the future of work, future practices and technologies which will emerge during the following years. Our solutions are continuously evolving and adapting to new business practices. Imagine a future with more AI features, where IoT and advanced analytics optimize decision-making and where virtual reality redefines collaboration and communication.

                  At Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise as we envision a future of innovation, optimization, and continuous growth, we are already building the platform to deliver these capabilities and the ability to take you there. With Rainbow, brace yourself for the future and get ready to embrace digital evolution with us.

                  A connector for business of all sizes

                  After experiencing the impact of Covid-19, businesses started adopting Microsoft Teams regardless of their full requirements. With our connector Rainbow Telephony for Microsoft Teams, our goal is to help you unify all your means of communications, including your existing PBX through Microsoft Teams. We designed our connector to meet your needs and requirements without changing your habits, enhance and optimize your Microsoft Teams experience.

                  Enjoy the benefit of a centralized communication and collaboration platform with Rainbow Telephony!

                  Want to get a free trial? Contact us!

                  The post Rainbow Telephony for MS Teams helps companies foster innovation and accelerate digital transformation appeared first on Rainbow by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise.

                  Rainbow Telephony for Microsoft Teams https://www.openrainbow.com/blog/rainbow-telephony-microsoft-teams/?pk_campaign=feed&pk_kwd=rainbow-telephony-microsoft-teams Thu, 22 Jun 2023 07:42:40 +0000 https://www.openrainbow.com/?p=241678 A complete telephony services with a new set of features including bidirectional synchronization

                  The post Rainbow Telephony for Microsoft Teams appeared first on Rainbow by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise.


                  Get to know availability status with bidirectional presence synchronization

                  Rainbow Telephony for Microsoft Teams has been designed to improve your ways of communicating inside and outside of your company, without having to change anything of the infrastructure you are working on. As a matter of fact, the power of Rainbow Telephony for Microsoft Teams relies on the fact that it can adapt to any device making it an efficient tool to unify communications.

                  But what is meant by bidirectional presence synchronization?

                  It means that both you and your potential interlocutors can have access to each other’s availability status right away regardless of the communication mechanisms in use. Why is this a requirement? Because we know users do not rely completely on telephony or Microsoft Teams for their communication services, it made sense for us to link both technologies to allow users to know peoples’ availabilities no matter the communication solution or devices they are using.

                  A man using Rainbow Telephony for Microsoft Teams

                  For example, when using a multimedia device (Either your smartphone, laptop, or tablet) you can now get an overview of your interlocutor availability status and upcoming availabilities with next appointments & calls. In addition, if they are currently using a PBX connected device for telephony, you will be updated on your digital tools. In the same way, the presence synchronization will show if you are available, occupied or on a call, and it will prevent unexpected calls or videoconferences from other people on any of your devices connected with Rainbow. The Rainbow Telephony connector is more than a simple direct router however, it allows the routing of phone calls, presenting the audio on to any of your communication devices. Through this synchronization, you and your network can take control of your call management and choose the device and method of communication.

                  Woman taking notes aside from using the rainbow telephony for microsoft teams

                  Be seen and see other people availabilities

                  Partial remote work is now the new “normal”. Many people working away from their office environment have experienced challenges regarding their colleagues or customers’ availability. Having to work from home or in a co-working space is definitely not the same as working at the office. For instance, when working from the office it is easier to see and guess who is around and available. Whether it is for small talk, getting quick info or a call, it is always easier to check directly who is there to reply to our request. To put it in a nutshell, by using your personal computer or smartphone, you can replicate that in-office proximity by linking Rainbow Telephony to your Microsoft Teams account. You and your colleagues can see and share your availability for that quick chat or more involved discussion. This means, regardless of where you are and regardless of the device, you will never miss a call you want to take!

                  Woman with a headset  taking notes aside from using the connector Rainbow Telephony for Microsoft Teams

                  A responsive connector going beyond distances

                  With our Rainbow connector, elements are displayed and organized in a user-friendly and visually appealing manner, in an intuitive and powerful interface! For instance, Rainbow’s team developed the app to allow users to search people by tags. It can be very useful if a user is looking to talk to someone in a specific field. In an international enterprise, it is not possible to know everybody who works for the company – in fact, that’s why we came up with the search by tags. In other words, if a user is looking for someone working in France, in the marketing division and who’s able to speak English, the user can just type “France, marketing, English” in the search bar. Simple as that! Rainbow will then allow the user to see who the people are associated with these tags and then it will be up to the user to decide who is the person he/she should talk to. This simple search by tags can be very helpful especially when people from one company are working all around the world. It is even more difficult to get to know people’s availability regarding the time zone they live in. With our Rainbow connector, it is easier to communicate and reach people, avoiding untimely moments.

                  To wrap up this article, Rainbow Telephony for Microsoft Teams connector is a great tool for connecting people and ensures the convergence of your different communication means. It seamlessly integrates the PBX connected world with the UC world, preventing unexpected calls from other digital environments and offers greater routing services for incoming calls. Whether it’s your teams, partners or customers, they can all benefit from Rainbow Telephony. Overall, our solution offers greater experience of telephony to people from your network, helps save time and help people going beyond small problems linked with unmatching availabilities. To know more about our Rainbow Telephony for Microsoft Teams connector and its features click on the following link.

                  The post Rainbow Telephony for Microsoft Teams appeared first on Rainbow by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise.

                  Digital accessibility is no longer an option, but a necessity! https://www.openrainbow.com/blog/digital-accessibility-is-no-longer-an-option-but-a-necessity/?pk_campaign=feed&pk_kwd=digital-accessibility-is-no-longer-an-option-but-a-necessity Tue, 02 May 2023 07:56:55 +0000 https://www.openrainbow.com/?p=241301 What about digital accessibility, and in concrete terms, how is it implemented?

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                  More than ever, digital accessibility is at the top of the list of challenges digital platforms need to address. Many efforts have been made to prioritise access to information, as well as the customer experience (UX and UI), which plays an important role in our digital tools navigation. The question is — how do we address accessibility? What about digital accessibility, and more specifically, how is it implemented?

                  We know digital accessibility poses many challenges, so to get answers we asked Access42, a French cooperative specialising in digital accessibility. The experts at Access42 were integral in helping the Rainbow by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise product teams develop a user-friendly interface.

                  In this interview, we spoke with Marie GUILLAUMET, UX/UI Designer, expert in digital accessibility and Communication and Editorial Manager at Access42, Gaëla LAHNINE, Sales and Marketing Manager at Access42, and Julien HERRERO, Product Manager and Lead Product Design, Rainbow, Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise.

                  Could you explain, Marie, how you would define digital accessibility?

                  “Digital accessibility consists of making websites, applications (especially mobile applications), software, digital street furniture, and all video and audio content, compatible with assistive tools such as screen readers. This allows people with disabilities to access information and online services independently. It is important to note that digital accessibility benefits not only people who are blind or visually challenged, but also people with hearing, motor, mental or cognitive impairments. There are many types of disabilities that can benefit from digital products and services accessibility.

                  Digital Accessibility

                  Implementing digital accessibility means taking into account accessibility standards that impact the code, design and creation of editorial content, as well as how digital projects are designed and managed. On the design side, some graphics, however attractive they may be, may not allow a person with a disability to access the information they need, or to understand the content. This requires the creation of accessible alternatives at the beginning of the project, not at the end. In general, when designing with accessibility in mind, there is also a lot of focus on assessing the relevance of certain elements, particularly textual elements.”


                  And, Is the site code important in digital accessibility?

                  “Yes, this is an essential part of our work at Access42. We analyse the way our clients’ websites and applications have been developed, including their overall structure. Well-structured interfaces allow people with disabilities to navigate and find the right information. It is the code that makes a website, application or software, compatible with assistive technologies. However, producing an accessible interface starts well before the development. It must be addressed in the specifications, functional specifications and graphic mock-ups.”


                  Could you share with us where we stand in terms of accessibility in 2023, Julien?

                  “Today, there is a growing awareness and sensitivity to issues of inclusion and equity. In the world of technology, we are constantly confronted with the importance of accessibility, which has always been essential for people with disabilities. The good news is that in recent years legal obligations for digital accessibility have been put in place for French private companies.

                  With the recent global healthcare crisis, the explosion of remote working meant that a large part of the population was left behind technologically. Many people were unable to use online collaboration and communications tools because of disabilities. As creators of digital platforms, we became aware of this critical need for accessibility.

                  With this general awareness, large companies are now organising events on the topic, many webinars and Twitch-shows are trying to address the issue of accessibility, resulting in an increase in the number of new specialist jobs.

                  And who do you think is looking for improved accessibility?

                  “Mainly public services, for example government institutions. There is a strong demand from the public sector, particularly in France and Germany. Public institutions provide support to all citizens, regardless of their disability and are ahead of the game in terms of accessibility and are even advising companies on how to move in this direction.”

                  While we’re at the topic, how can we expect Rainbow to respond to this?

                  “Accessibility is an ongoing topic in our Rainbow platform development. It is a long-term project that requires significant investment and rigour to meet the acceptability criteria of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and the Référentiel Général d’Amélioration de l’Accessibilité (RGAA), respectively.

                  We have developed a two-year roadmap for improving accessibility. We are working with Access42, a recognised partner in France and internationally, to support us in developing Rainbow accessibility.”


                  Can you tell us more about the services that Access42 offers, Marie?

                  “As a consulting firm, Access42 offers a full range of services to help clients comply with digital accessibility regulatory requirements, including those imposed by the RGAA and the European standard EN 301 549.

                  Among the services we offer, Access42 performs accessibility audits of websites and applications, identifying potential barriers to accessibility and proposing solutions to remove them. We also offer training in digital accessibility to raise awareness of accessibility issues and provide professionals with the necessary skills to implement sustainable and effective solutions.”

                  And How does Access42 contribute to digital accessibility standards? 

                  “Access42 wrote version 3 of the RGAA on behalf of the French government. In 2022, we coordinated the official French translation of WCAG 2.1, the international standard on which the RGAA is based.

                  As a recognised expert in the field of digital accessibility, Access42 is a partner of choice for companies that want to make their products and services accessible, and compliant with digital accessibility standards, particularly in France and the European Union.”

                  Could you describe how Access42 is contributing to making Rainbow more accessible, Gaëla?

                  • “Access42 is providing support in the improvement of Rainbow’s digital services accessibility. The first step is to make Rainbow staff aware of the importance of accessibility. To do this, Access42 has already trained 80 people from Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise, mostly those who are confronted with accessibility requirements such as product, R&D, design, marketing, QA and support.
                  • The second step consists of carrying out digital accessibility audits on the various media used by Rainbow, including web, desktop, Android and iOS applications. These audits allow us to identify non-conformities in terms of accessibility and to make recommendations to remedy them. Access42 provides an audit grid based on the criteria of the reference framework used (RGAA, RAAM). The recommendations are then prioritised to facilitate the implementation of the necessary changes.
                  • The third step consists of personalised accessibility support to guide Rainbow developers in the implementation of necessary corrections. Access42 addresses the Rainbow team’s questions and provides advice to ensure effective compliance.
                  • Finally, the fourth step is a control audit to validate the accessibility fixes implemented, update the audit grid, compliance status, and draft the compliance statement(s).”


                  The Rainbow team and Access42 collaboration offers significant benefits to ALE digital collaboration platform users. Rainbow will be able to offer digital services that are accessible to all, and in compliance with current regulatory requirements.          

                  Eva Laravine

                  Product Marketing Manager

                  Eva has been working in the marketing world for 3 years now. After working as a Community Manager, she started working at Alcatel Lucent Enterprise as a Growth Marketing Manager. Today, she’s  the Product Marketing Manager of Rainbow and responsible for the creation and distribution of content to ensure the adoption of the platform.

                  Laravine Eva Product Marketing manager

                  The post Digital accessibility is no longer an option, but a necessity! appeared first on Rainbow by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise.

                  What is remote learning, and will it continue to rise in 2023? https://www.openrainbow.com/blog/what-is-remote-learning/?pk_campaign=feed&pk_kwd=what-is-remote-learning Wed, 08 Mar 2023 15:18:19 +0000 https://www.openrainbow.com/?p=241230 Education should be affordable and attainable for everyone, without unnecessary restrictions and boundaries.

                  The post What is remote learning, and will it continue to rise in 2023? appeared first on Rainbow by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise.


                  As the world slowly recuperates from the damages done by Covid, new wounds are torn open by war and natural disasters, which may call for remote learning again. The world doesn’t stop turning, however. Young, bright minds and seasoned veterans alike are looking to both learn new things and exchange their experiences regardless of what the state of the world is. Education and perseverance have helped mankind build civilisation throughout the ages and once more it remains unshaken. Albeit the trend for remote learning did suffer a minor setback, it is far from done. We need to embrace it for its instrumental role in modern education – being able to cater to audiences otherwise unreachable by your everyday means and in your regular classroom. Having said that, pros rarely come without any cons. In today’s article we’ll explore what remote learning is, how it fares against traditional in person learning and if it is going to keep gaining in relevance this year.

                  Young woman with glasses waving at her laptop while learning remotely

                  What is remote learning?

                  Acquiring knowledge, exchanging experiences and indulging in quality social interaction are all activities remote learning encompasses. What sets it apart from traditional learning, however, is the way lectures and interactions are delivered – namely from a distance. To achieve this, you may use any medium you find suitable to support knowledge transfer: by phone, an audio or video web conference, a web portal or even pigeons. What’s important is that it isn’t taking place in a classroom with other people. The teacher and student relationship is put to the test by being in two separate locations.

                  Remote learning is further divided into two categories: active and passive learning. Active learning is when teacher and student collaborate in real-time using a communications platform or any other device enabling them to communicate directly and personally. Passive learning is when learning sessions are pre-recorded and delivered to the audience via a web portal or a set of audio/video snippets. The latter is a lot less inclusive and, most of the time, less effective than the former one, due to the lack of human presence. Passive remote learning does have its benefits compared to active remote learning, though. If you need to quickly deliver educational content to a large audience, without the need to dive deep, passive learning is the better fit. Examples of this would be launching a new software, updating your staff on the new car policy, or updating your students on new school regulations. In all other scenarios active learning comes out on top.

                  There are obviously many different approaches to active learning, but we personally decided to go for a collaborative online learning environment (COLE for short) approach, as it best reflects our values. This is why Rainbow Classroom is such a unique solution dedicated to online learning, but you can learn more about that if you visit our virtual classroom system page.

                  COLE focuses on creating an e-learning environment in which students can thrive by socially interacting with both each other and the instructor in real-time. This helps recreate the physical classroom experience in cyberspace, allowing for a more natural absorption of knowledge as well as adding a little bit of human touch to the online lectures.

                  Remote learning powered by Rainbow Classroom for children in primary education.

                  Is remote learning effective compared to traditional learning?

                  When it comes to a comparison between remote and traditional learning, most of us think traditional face-to-face learning is more effective – and with good reason. In many cases this holds true. Especially in lower grades students tend to learn more effectively in physical classrooms. That’s exactly why it is paramount for online learning platforms to replicate the physical classroom experience as much as possible. We made huge leaps toward this by equipping teachers with all the tools they could possibly need in a classroom, but with the ability to do it remotely. The advantage of this is that you still get to keep your normal, everyday social interactions coupled with the possibility to oversee student performance in real-time. There will never be the same level of inclusion you get when you have a teacher literally breathing down your neck, but Rainbow Classroom comes pretty close to that. Furthermore, when trying to replicate a traditional learning experience in an online environment, you also need to think of how you can turn it into a hybrid learning platform when and if necessary. The two worlds need to successfully blend in without any one side getting the shorter end of the stick.

                  Studies have shown that traditional learning still has an edge over remote learning mostly because of the lack of social interaction and a growing emotional detachment students tend to evolve over time, impacting their motivation, and, ultimately, their performance. By being able to replicate the regular social interaction of a classroom, this gap is mostly bridged and shouldn’t proclaim a danger anymore. Most of the studies have also been done during a time when Covid was fresh, people were forced to live in solitude and a generally grim mood was spreading between them. While these surely aren’t the only culprit, we can safely assume the impact it had on the overall situation, leaving a potential stain on those studies.

                  While we can’t say that remote learning is more effective than traditional learning in general, it is safe to say that it is more effective in tertiary education and professional certification, while traditional learning fares better in primary and secondary education. If done right, however, most of the time the two approaches can be interchangeable.

                  The reason why traditional education works better for primary and secondary stages is that students in these stages tend to need a hands-on approach to learning, more social interaction, and nurturing.

                  What are the advantages of remote learning versus in person learning?

                  Since we’ve already established that both remote and in person learning have their benefits and work well in different scenarios, let’s focus on what the advantages of remote learning are compared to its on-site counterpart.

                  For starters, remote learning isn’t location bound. It can be held anywhere, which makes it relatively cheap compared to in person learning, where you need to pay rent or purchase a building and pay the bills for it. What you’re paying for is a license or subscription for a Software as a Service (SaaS) delivered from the cloud. This means that, aside of the subscription, you also need a device supported by the software. No worries – the software is usually designed to run on most devices, so you’re covered. Ideally, you won’t need to install or launch a third-party application – a simple web browser should suffice. All of it should be launchable directly from your learning management system (LMS) if you have one. This saves you some big bucks. It also improves your return on investment (ROI) by removing obstacles such as cities, regions, countries or even continents. The whole world can take part in your courses if you want them to.

                  Remote learning is convenient. Building on the premise of not depending on a location, this also means no travel time, which means no traffic and no transportation cost. It also means listening in to classes while sipping on an alcohol-free cocktail on Bali. Or while alligator wrestling in the Everglades. Now, that’s what I call interactive learning! Being so convenient, it also doesn’t force you to buy fancy equipment because it could theoretically run on a calculator, provided it has a big enough screen and a camera. Okay, I’m exaggerating now, but you get the point. Remote learning also provides more flexibility when it comes to scheduling classes. It isn’t bound to time zones or any kind of institutional limit. You could also schedule quizzes in more than one slot, enabling students to pick what best fits their time plan.

                  Remote learning provides a higher retention rate of freshly acquired knowledge. To all of our surprise, studies have shown that this seems to be due to more frequent and detailed 1-to-1 conversations between student and teacher. Since teacher consultations mostly happen outside of the virtual class, this allows for more flexibility and time when scheduling these meetings, resulting in a more enunciated bond between teacher and student, a heightened inquisitiveness as well as a more dedicated educational support.

                  Young Indian boy learning remotely in front of a laptop at night time

                  Can remote learning replace traditional learning?

                  The quick answer is that in the foreseeable future – it can’t. There are two simple reasons. First, most humans crave personal social interaction as the last couple of years in isolation have shown us, and second, a global shift in perception and acceptance of remote learning platforms needs to happen. Until then, remote learning will remain a lifeline in times of crisis and an alternative in times of tranquillity. It has its niche use-cases where it excels compared to traditional learning, but for the majority of schools it will remain a tool used only when conventional methods don’t work.

                  Will remote learning continue gaining relevance in 2023?

                  After witnessing a sudden boom between 2020 and 2022, remote learning will definitely continue gaining relevance in 2023 and well past it. Many educational and professional training organisations have either shifted their entire curriculum or at least part of it to a remote learning approach. The number of organisations offering it as an alternative or in some form of a blended or hybrid learning experience has risen exponentially as well. We cannot expect remote learning to continue its booming performance of the past years but it will certainly keep part of the prior momentum. In part due to organisations establishing backup plans in case a new crisis arises, as they weren’t prepared for the first one, and in part to offer a more inclusive and immersive user experience.

                  Education should be affordable and attainable for everyone, without unnecessary restrictions and boundaries. Offering the full or only a part of a curriculum remotely drastically raises the chances for lots of students around the globe to acquire the education they might’ve otherwise missed, while at the same time reducing cost and making education more affordable. A third benefit is, and you may already have guessed it, future-proofing your curriculum, as well as making it more sustainable and rigid.

                  Toni Galo

                  SaaS Product Marketing Manager

                  Toni has a decade-long track record in marketing, specialising in content marketing strategy and execution. While a big chunk of his experience revolves around cloud & communication, he’s distinguished himself in other fields as well, such as managing the development and go-to-market of financial news applications and helping Californian business brokers successfully create personal brands. Today he’s a SaaS product marketing manager for Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise, ensuring cross-divisional content excellency on a global scale.

                  The post What is remote learning, and will it continue to rise in 2023? appeared first on Rainbow by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise.

                  How certifications create transparency and protect your data in unified communications https://www.openrainbow.com/blog/certifications-protect-data-unified-communications/?pk_campaign=feed&pk_kwd=certifications-protect-data-unified-communications Wed, 25 Jan 2023 10:51:09 +0000 https://www.openrainbow.com/?p=240915 When the time to talk about regulation is nigh and you need to choose a cloud-based infrastructure provider, certifications are often a good key indicator to understand how your data is going to be protected

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                  black data servers in a grey room

                  When the time to talk about regulation is nigh and you need to choose a cloud-based infrastructure provider, certifications are often a good key indicator to understand how your data is going to be protected. Let’s have a look at the “must-haves” regarding regulation and take a deeper dive into the world of data protection certifications Rainbow has to offer.

                  International and local certifications & compliances with industry standards

                  ISO-27001 & SOC

                  Based on the Information Security Management System (ISMS), ISO-27001 is an international standard with a framework designed to manage sensitive data specifically. The SOC (System and Organisation Controls) encompasses the full range of services used by a company to protect sensitive data. There are multiple SOCs (SOC1, SOC2, SOC3) depending on the level of detail requested by the SOC reports. Modern data centres rely on ISO-27001 and SOC-certified technologies, as well as barbed-wire fence isolation with physical access being strictly monitored 24/7.


                  HDS for “Healthcare Data Security” is an important certification when it comes to storing and securing healthcare data. HDS is a strong certification that Rainbow Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise uses to ensure that Rainbow users in the healthcare industry can share, communicate, and store data securely. This includes a strong internal audit of Rainbow done by the security team and many additional procedures involving a third-party auditor who ultimately grants or denies the certification. With Rainbow Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise offers a solution hosted on a dedicated and independent data centre specifically designed for hosting sensitive healthcare data (HDS in France).

                  Image of HDS certification logo for Rainbow

                  ANSSI CSPN

                  ANSSI CSPN “Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d’information” or “National Agency for Information System Security” is specific for the French market. It certifies that an employee or a person is knowledgeable and proficient enough to manage security incidents in a work environment. It usually goes hand in hand with SOC. This is one of the highest-level security certifications a cloud infrastructure provider can acquire.  This certification for Rainbow by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise is on-going.

                  Image of ANSSI CSPN certification logo for Rainbow


                  The agency for a Digital Italy is under the presidency of the Council of Ministers. It regulates use of, storage of, and access to key data, guaranteeing security.  Reinforcing conscientious behaviour of a company or corporation, it is the best way to demonstrate that we are implementing appropriate measures for the Italian cloud market. The certification issued by AGID complies with the ISO/IEC 27001 standard and is verified by a third-party auditor.

                  AGID certification logo for Rainbow


                  The General Data Protection Regulation has been in effect since May 25, 2018. It allows for more control over your personal data, as it demands explicit consent to your policies from every prospect visiting your domain prior to accepting them. Hence why there is a consequential awareness regarding this certification. Rainbow services are designed to be compliant with the European General Data Protection Regulation, which enforces individual privacy and data protection on a pan-European scale.

                  Rainbow GDPR certification logo


                  The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a federal law set up by the United States. It regulates PHI (personal health information) for American healthcare providers, ensuring data security and integrity. It requires multiple safeguards for PHI.

                  Rainbow HIPAA certification logo


                  The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act is another federal law in the United States. This certification ensures the data privacy of students and forces schools to provide a layer security to their data. It builds on the fact that students should have total control over their records.

                  Rainbow FERPA certification logo


                  Certification established by the Spanish National Security System in order to have everything in place to guarantee proper protection of information systems against internal and external threats or incidents.

                  Rainbow ENS certification logo


                  Secure and affordable infrastructure with the ability to federate existing on-premises investments

                  Secure and adhering to local regulations since its inception back in 2015, Rainbow is being developed with security by design and it remains at the core of our concerns when thinking of improvements and new features. Our design, conception, and service reliability engineer teams are based in the three French Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise offices located in Brest, Illkirch and in Colombes, our headquarters. Both our European and worldwide Rainbow services are  operated by the strategic ALE partner – OVHcloud. Our data centres are available in multiple geographically dedicated regions. Rainbow Edge allows the service to be operated in a customer’s private cloud of choice, providing even more proficient data security. When we say «secure by design», we mean that data in Rainbow is encrypted in transit and at rest (WebRTC, AES-256), providing secure communications for business of all sizes regardless of location. As a solution developed in and operated from Europe, France, Rainbow cannot be forced to comply to neither the CLOUD act nor the PATRIOT Act.


                  Kevin Falhon

                  Solutions Marketing Manager

                  Kevin is a marketing solution manager at Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise. He has spent over 12 years working in marketing as part of startups and big corporations alike – between London, Mexico, Florence and Paris.

                  Image of Kevin Falhon @ Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise

                  The post How certifications create transparency and protect your data in unified communications appeared first on Rainbow by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise.

                  Collaboration entre humains et objets : un atout pour la sécurité https://www.openrainbow.com/blog/collaboration-humains-objets-securite/?pk_campaign=feed&pk_kwd=collaboration-humains-objets-securite Mon, 23 Jan 2023 15:23:32 +0000 https://www.openrainbow.com/?p=240850 Les plateformes de communication interagissent avec l'écosystème logiciel et infrastructurel et concilient les communications humaines et IOT afin d’assurer la sécurité globale d'une entreprise.

                  The post Collaboration entre humains et objets : un atout pour la sécurité appeared first on Rainbow by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise.


                  Les solutions de communication ont longtemps été associées à des aspects de cybersécurité obligeant les entreprises à déployer de grands efforts (portant sur des éléments comme les reverse proxy ou session border controllers, mais aussi des terminaux hyper sécurisés mais dédiés) pour sécuriser les périodes de travail de leurs salariés dans et en dehors des murs de l’entreprise.

                  Or non seulement ces solutions sont devenues maintenant bien plus simples à déployer et adopter pour les clients (les flux sécurisés sont acceptés largement par les équipes sécurité, plateformes secure by design, souveraineté des données pour les plateformes Européennes, déploiement en centre de données privé ‘edge’), mais elles contribuent maintenant grandement à l’apport additionnel de services pour la sécurité physique des personnes et des biens dans l’entreprise.

                  Ces plateformes sont capables de concilier les communications humaines et objets afin de créer de nouveaux services adaptés au contexte particulier des utilisateurs.

                  blue particles on a black background representing the vast possibilities of IoT

                  Favoriser la communication

                  Les plateformes de communication peuvent maintenant se connecter à l’écosystème logiciel et infrastructurel de l’entreprise pour apporter des services à valeur ajoutée jusqu’alors insoupçonnés.

                  Cela tient de leur capacité à transmettre l’information de manière efficace, de la même manière qu’elles savent établir une communication vidéo, qui est avant tout de la donnée, entre plusieurs personnes.

                  Prenons l’exemple d’une alerte dans un bâtiment (intrusion dans une université, niveau de température d’un objet, détection de mouvement d’une caméra vidéo) : une telle plateforme est capable instantanément de mettre en relation différentes personnes sélectionnées en fonction de leurs compétences dans les données métiers, quelle que soit leur localisation. Ces personnes ont un accès immédiat dans l’espace de travail commun temps réel aux données contextuelles de l’alerte (données, photos, vidéos, fichiers) pour prendre ensemble la meilleure décision.

                  Inclure, contextualiser, agir vite

                  On peut noter 3 axes qui permettent de délivrer ces nouveaux services :

                  • Inclusion : une plateforme de communication permet d’interconnecter les personnes, les objets et les processus métiers. On peut donc transmettre des informations entre un IoT et une personne en temps réel, ou stocker une conversation dans un CRM. De plus, la capacité à connecter un système téléphonique existant ou cloud permet d’inclure les utilisateurs quel que soit le moyen à leur disposition (numérique donc, mais aussi fixe, mobile, applications métiers, SMS, alertes avec suivi, etc..). L’objectif est de permettre aux personnes ciblées de rejoindre facilement et efficacement l’espace de prise de décision.


                  • Contexte : l’ouverture des plateformes de collaboration leur permet d’être connectée aux données métiers et aux données IoT. Ces données sont utiles aux personnes au moment où elles cherchent à prendre une décision et peuvent leur être envoyées directement dans l’espace de collaboration (en temps réel ou de manière régulière suivant le type de problème qu’elles cherchent à résoudre). La mise à disposition en temps réel du meilleur contexte aux bonnes personnes est un axe fort d’optimisation des processus de l’entreprise. Ce contexte peut prendre la forme de données métiers sélectionnées, données objet, flux de caméra temps réel, images de drones, fichiers, synthèses créées par IA, etc… Toute information disponible dans l’entreprise peut être acheminée si elle est organisée et identifiable au motif de la collaboration.


                  • Réaction : Les plateformes de communication ont aussi la capacité de se connecter aux infrastructures de l’entreprise. Elles peuvent être bien-sûr l’infrastructure téléphonique pour permettre aux employés contrôler leur téléphone, même en mobilité, et ainsi ne jamais perdre un appel. Cela peut aussi être le réseau ou la domotique du bâtiment pour notifier en temps réel les ingénieurs support des éventuels problèmes. Cela leur permet de les corriger directement dans la configuration du réseau grâce à un assistant robot qui leur propose les solutions possibles en temps réel et appliquera leur décision immédiatement dans la configuration. Enfin, un autre exemple est la connexion à l’infrastructure de vidéo-surveillance qui permet de sélectionner les flux intéressants pour les personnes à un moment précis et les envoyer en temps réel dans la conférence vidéo comme si c’était un autre utilisateur de la conférence (ainsi que déplacer la caméra, zoomer sur l’image, etc…).

                  hardware controller integrating with Rainbow offering 4 buttons and connectivity to a PC

                  Faciliter la collaboration de l’humain avec son écosystème

                  Cette capacité d’intégration dans l’écosystème de l’entreprise offre de nouvelles perspectives de services dans toutes les industries. Elle permet de conserver l’humain en tant que coordinateur de la prise de décision tout en automatisant en temps réel la distribution de la bonne information.

                  Dans les universités, le responsable de la sécurité souhaite s’assurer que les étudiants et le personnel soient sains et saufs en cas de danger. En cas d’intrusion dans les bâtiments, la plateforme de communication peut en quelques secondes envoyer un message d’alerte sur tous les PC et mobiles des étudiants. Elle peut aussi très rapidement jouer un message audio sur tous les téléphones fixes de l’université notifiant le personnel et les étudiants de cette intrusion.

                  Dans les collectivités locales, l’organisation d’évènements s’associe souvent à la gestion des impondérables. Lors de l’apparition d’une crise, l’organisateur pourra lancer une cellule de crise qui va automatique sélectionner les intervenants en fonction de l’heure et du lieu de la crise, les alerter et les inviter dans la cellule de crise. En parallèle, les informations contextuelles de la crise (fichiers, photos) sont envoyées en temps réel dans la cellule. Le flux de caméra de surveillance le plus intéressant est sélectionné dans le système de surveillance et envoyé en temps réel dans la cellule pour être visible des participants. Les échanges sont enregistrés et archivés pour être mis à disposition d’une intelligence artificielle en charge de synthétiser l’avancée de la gestion de crise.

                  Pour une régie de transport régionale, l’électrification des bus s’accompagne de nouveaux risques liés aux batteries et à leur supervision. Les données de température des batteries sont collectées et analysées. En cas de risque d’incendie sur une batterie, il faut réagir vite pour éviter la propagation dans l’entrepôt. La plateforme de communication va envoyer des alertes aux personnes en charge de la supervision via SMS, appel mobile, cellule de crise. Les données de température et la localisation du problème est envoyé automatiquement dans la cellule de manière régulière.

                  different pieces of IoT hardware on a grey background

                  La sécurité naît de la confiance

                  Ces exemples variés démontrent que les entreprises ont maintenant une volonté de favoriser l’usage et l’optimisation de l’expérience utilisateurs à un arsenal sécuritaire qui a souvent tendance à limiter grandement la performance de l’investissement.

                  La communication d’entreprise évolue rapidement dans 2 directions : l’écosystème de l’entreprise est mis à disposition des utilisateurs dans leur interface de collaboration, et les communications en temps réel sont de plus en plus intégrées dans cet écosystème.

                  En somme, la confiance des décideurs dans les plateformes de collaboration souveraines ouvre grandement la porte à une nouvelle génération de services intégrant efficacement les personnes, les process et les objets, en tissant des liens de valeur entre différentes parties de leur écosystème.

                  La plateforme Rainbow par Alcatel-Lucent Entreprise est une plateforme développée en France utilisée par plus de 3 millions d’utilisateurs. Elle héberge les données au plus près de ses clients dans ses nombreux centres de données opérationnels en France et sur tous les continents. La plateforme Rainbow permet de proposer non seulement des services de communication et de collaboration dans l’entreprise et en mobilité, mais elle connecte aussi les infrastructures de l’entreprise tels que réseaux, serveurs de communication, objects connectés, systèmes d’opération des bâtiments, caméras de vidéo-surveillance, drones… pour apporter de nouveaux services aux usagers.

                  Alcatel-Lucent Entreprise s’appuie sur un solide réseau mondial de 3000 partenaires composé de distributeurs et d’intégrateurs qui fournissent des solutions holistiques répondants aux besoins particuliers de leurs clients dans différentes verticales. 

                  Cet article à été co-écrit avec Pierre-Yves Noel, Directeur du service Cloud pour la solution Rainbow ALE. Pierre-Yves a 25 ans d’expérience dans différents pays et gère des offres pour les marchés internationaux.

                  Contact: pierre-yves.noel@al-enterprise.com

                  The post Collaboration entre humains et objets : un atout pour la sécurité appeared first on Rainbow by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise.

                  Rainbow: the first European vendor to introduce 49 concurrent video conferencing streams https://www.openrainbow.com/blog/49-concurrent-video-conferencing-streams/?pk_campaign=feed&pk_kwd=49-concurrent-video-conferencing-streams Mon, 14 Nov 2022 13:53:52 +0000 https://www.openrainbow.com/?p=240686 See all your attendees at-a-glance for your next meetings

                  The post Rainbow: the first European vendor to introduce 49 concurrent video conferencing streams appeared first on Rainbow by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise.


                  Rainbow further improves its video conferencing experience

                  It goes without saying that last years accelerated enterprise digital transformation deeply changed the way employees work, and sometimes even impacts the vision of their own job: with remote working set in place to enable business continuity, employees are now establishing new habits and expect to pursue their own way of working.

                  These users are now actively benefiting from digital collaboration tools and thus, their expectations grew from simply enabling business continuity to actively benefiting from and boosting overall company productivity while having their new work requirements met. Not only are these users used to leveraging collaboration tools, but they are now looking to get even more out of it.

                  That is the reason behind the Rainbow team pushing its limits and deploying even more video conferencing capabilities than before – the grid 49 view, supporting 49 concurrent video streams.

                  How does the grid 49 improve video conferencing?

                  The Grid 49, or Mosaïc 49, is a new video conferencing layout available during an active video call on Rainbow, enabling all attendees to display up to 49 concurrent video streams. Not only does it significantly improve the way you experience a video conference in itself, but it also lets you explore new ways of collaboration by integrating this capability with other systems. The grid 49 will be made available in all other Rainbow products as well, the most interesting one maybe being Rainbow Classroom.




                  How does the Grid 49 video conferencing work?

                  It’s very simple – the new feature is activated dynamically.

                  At the moment, Rainbow users are able to choose between 2 options when it comes to video conferencing layouts:

                  • Grid 12 – with an evolutive layout which will dynamically adapt depending on the number of connected users, from 2 up to 12 visible on the same screen.
                  • Grid 49 – the brand-new layout that will break the above boundaries, enabling you to display up to 49 video streams simultaneously.

                  During a conference, users will be able to switch from Grid 12 to Grid 49 at any time, allowing for more comfort during their virtual meetings. To round this off, users will also be able to navigate between different screens in Grid 12 view, thanks to the latest pagination feature. It’s represented by buttons on each side of the screen enabling you to switch from one set of colleagues’ video streams to another when the number of attendees goes beyond 12.

                  Explaining Grid 12 and Grid 49 in a real-life situation

                  Use case: 55 people are connected during a monthly team meeting of ABC Company, and 35 of them have their cameras on.

                  Attendees may choose between the following display options:

                  • Grid 12: See 12 colleagues on 1 screen at the same time, either with or without their cameras on, and use the navigation buttons on the left and right side of the screen to change which set of colleagues you want to see. Grid 12 showcases all users, regardless of if they have their camera on or off.
                  • Grid 49: See up to 49 video streams on one screen. In our use case, it means that all the 35 attendees who have switched their cameras on will be visible on one single screen.

                  Why this video conferencing improvement is so important

                  To sum it up, this update won’t just deliver quality of life enhancements and provide convenience. It will boost productivity significantly and, what’s even more important, introduce new ways of collaboration on third-party platforms either derived from or integrated with Rainbow. As the only globally competitive vendor with a European headquarters, Rainbow is now providing the same level of features other big names offer, levelling the playing field and ultimately providing the only truly sovereign, enterprise-grade hybrid collaboration platform on the market.

                  Julien Herrero

                  Rainbow Product Manager & Lead Design

                  Julien started at ALE with an apprenticeship to improve customer journey of visitors inside the Briefing Center. In 2019, he started working on his first application dedicated to event management. Since then, Julien is working as Product Manager of Rainbow by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise.

                  Image of Julien Herrero, the Rainbow Product Line Manager at Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise square format

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                  Digital Transformation is a never-ending journey with no fixed destination https://www.openrainbow.com/blog/digital-transformation-journey/?pk_campaign=feed&pk_kwd=digital-transformation-journey Tue, 14 Jun 2022 08:16:25 +0000 https://www.openrainbow.com/?p=239630 Undergoing a digital transformation by yourself can be a scary task.

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                  As often as it is mentioned, there probably are as many definitions of digital transformation as there are people discussing it. Whatever your role in the process, be it assisting your customers with their transformational journey or taking responsibility for the whole scope or only a part of digital transformation for your organization, I found it helpful to associate the concept of digital transformation with that of a never-ending process, in which you only know where the journey begins, but not where it ends.

                  reflection of man on a journey in glass ball

                  Why you need to embark on a digital transformation journey

                  Starting with the reason why an organization needs or wants to transform it can usually be narrowed down to one or several of the following reasons:

                  • Optimization: Improving business processes and productivity across the organization,
                  • Competition: Differentiating in existing markets and expanding into new ones,
                  • Attractiveness: Delivering better customer and user experience as well as improving employee engagement and retention,

                  There is plenty of room for discussion as, according to Jabil’s 2018 Digital Transformation Survey, only eight percent of respondents consider their organization as fully digitized.

                  It is thus important to define what an organizations intent behind going digital is. To help the discussion, I usually start with setting up a common ground of terminology so that everyone is aligned on the topics discussed. I found the definitions proposed by Peter High to be pretty much accurate and helpful in fixing concepts such as Digitization, Digitalization and Digital transformation in others minds:

                  Digitization is the conversion of analog or physical information to digital. Example of digitization is the conversion of instruction manuals from paper to digital, newspapers using digital channels (website, app) to deliver content, etc.

                  Digitalization is the use of digital technologies to enable or improve business models and processes. An example of digitalization would be providing on-site mechanics with line-of-sight digital instructions to improve efficiency and reduce errors, or newspapers expanding their offering through paywalls, videos, podcasts and VR, using analytics to drive and retain subscriptions.

                  Digital Transformation is the coordinated digitalization change effort at scale, diffused through all aspects of the operating model and business, including people, processes, technologies and metrics within an organization.  Digital transformation in the example of a local newspaper would be to go ‘Digital First’, prioritizing digital subscriptions to support digital revenue.

                  Depending on an organizations digital maturity and sector of activity, we need to start off by mapping the path from the current state to the next steps in the digital transformation journey.

                  people connected in a digital world through transformation

                  Mapping the digital transformation journey and elaborating where it’s leading to

                  Whether it starts with digitalization of one business process or creating a vision for the full-scale digital transformation of an organization, it is of utmost importance to consider the following aspects of said organization

                  Assess the needs –  identify current and future business needs, the competitive landscape,  existing technologies and skills as well as the urgency to transform. Map business value of business processes, applications and tools and weigh them against the amount of investment needed to digitize them.

                  Plan for the long term – digital transformation, as well as any other transformational process, takes time. Carefully plan the evolution, starting with the digitization of a single business process or application, while securing a long-term budget, and including intermediate steps. Business continuity should also be taken into account to ensure that current applications and processes will continue to function while transitioning to new ones.

                  Finance the journey – as digital transformation is expensive, but aims to generate even more revenue. The two main ways to generate return on investment (ROI) are cost saving and revenue increase. An organizations Digital Transformation business plan should include both elements to demonstrate RoI over time, with follow-up key-performance indicators (KPIs) to allow for progress monitoring and adjustment where and when required.

                  Risk management – as going digital brings its cohort of risks and threats, such as crashes or security breaches, which might impact service availability. Compliancy to national and international regulations also requires time and money. Careful risk monitoring and detection as well as mitigation strategies are critical components to any successful digital transformation journey.

                  Prioritization – to ensure long term success, find out which areas of digital transformation will have the biggest impact on the organizations activity and business. As in any transformation, it is important to continuously communicate on positive outcomes, like quicks wins and larger improvements in efficiency and/or agility.

                  For any organization, beginning the journey of digital transformation can be a daunting task, with the risk of conflicting demands from various departments, wrong resource allocation or placing the wrong people in charge and using wrong KPIs – all of which would be setting the digital transformation up for failure.

                  Rodolphe Goudin

                  Head of Customer Success, Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise

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                  What to include in your baggage when going on a digital transformation journey

                  The inventory of an organizations components will play a major role in the success of digital transformation. A good starting point might be a list to cover the following:

                  Users – who will get value from the digital transformation? This could be an organizations taff, but also users from suppliers, partners and customers.

                  Experience – It is important to know the way the users interact with product and services, especially the digital native profiles, to understand and identify the gaps in the existing user experience. The digital transformation should contribute to building a coherent and attractive digital user experience.

                  Channels – as digital transformation may impact go-to-market strategies, it is important to identify possible digital enhancements to existing channels. Digital transformation could also create totally new delivery channels leveraging APIs and other digital means such as social media, IoT and messaging services.

                  Products & Services – Assessing how users interact with customer products and services, and how digital transformation might impact them is business critical. Digitalization might improve how products and services are delivered and used by users. Digital transformation can also be a source for new offers.

                  Technology – as an enabler of digital transformation, technology is the foundation of any digital strategy. Still, technology should be strongly connected to user needs and requirements, with the capability of monitoring the impact it has on business objectives. Technology stacks for Digital Transformation usually include connected objects (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), cloud services (XaaS) and analytics.

                  Processes – identifying how business is done in customer organizations and what processes could benefit the most from digitalization is important as it drives the choice of technology. Knowing which aspects of a given business process can be improved can also make measuring improvement and return on investsment easier.

                  People – Most important asset in any strategy. The staff will dictate success or failure of a digital transformation strategy. Success heavily depends on people’s capability to acquire new skills and eventually adopt the new technology. They need to be onboarded using proper change management, including communication and training best practices.

                  truck driving on icy roads

                  How to pick up the right vehicle for your Digital Transformation journey

                  For any organization, beginning the journey of digital transformation can be a daunting task, with the risk of conflicting demands from various departments, wrong resource allocation or placing the wrong people in charge and using wrong KPIs – all of which would be setting the digital transformation up for failure.

                  The Internet is full of frameworks and methodologies to drive a successful digital transformation strategy. One I like in particular for its flexibility is the framework detailed by Harvard Business Review. HBR’s proposition is a simple framework that describes the four pillars of a successful digital transformation strategy.

                  As per HBR’s research, the four pillars are part of most digital transformation strategies. For each of the pillars, the framework details what it entails – benefits that can be expected, required capabilities, KPIs and the type of required C-level sponsorship. Understanding what each pillar covers and depending on the organization’s context and digital maturity, it is then easier to decide on the starting point and map the journey to digital transformation success.

                  IT uplift – as the upgrade of IT infrastructure is a mandatory step in any digital transformation journey. It rewards access to new tools, collection and exploit of data, lower IT cost, and improvement of overall performance and employee satisfaction. This is often the very first step of a Digital transformation journey, and it usually falls under the CIO or CTO to manage this pillar.

                  Digitizing operations – once existing business processes have been identified and documented, it is time to assess if and how digitalization can help optimizing them. This pillar is where digitization and digitalization occur. It also provides a competitive edge to the organization as without it, the risk of being left behind by more efficient operators is huge. Necessity to understand business requirements and operations make the CFO or COO the ideal sponsor for this pillar.

                  Digital marketing – this pillar deals with new acquisition channels such as the digital acquisition funnel, artificial intelligence (AI), and basically every mean to get insights about user behaviour with products and services like data science. This pillar is also in charge of omnichannel interaction with users. CMO is the logical sponsor for the digital marketing pillar.

                  New ventures – as digital transformation may open new opportunities for growth, it is important to consider its impact on an organization and its business model. The need for investment and agility to experiment and validate new business opportunities make the CEO or CSO the right sponsor for this pillar. This pillar requires more digital maturity than the IT uplift or digitizing operations pillars.

                  digital transformation principles in a table

                  Digital transformation journey: the proper tools and guide

                  As an organization undergoes its journey to a successful digital transformation, traditional project management comes in handy, like support of project management office (PMO). But addressing the people aspect of digital transformation may require advanced change management practices.

                  Change management frameworks are used to manage the ‘human side of a digital transformation project. It focuses on assessing the status and ensuring proper adoption of new paradigms by all users impacted by the change. Identifying and activating proper C-level sponsorship as well as enabling mid-management to play their role as guides in the digital transformation journey is paramount.

                  Rodolphe Goudin

                  Head of Success Management

                  Rodolphe has two decades of experience in the telecommunications industry, spanning from system engineering over consulting to business development. Since the advent of the Software-as-a-Service model, he has specialised in change management as part of his clients’ digital transformation. He is now in charge of developing Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise success management practices and processes on a global level.

                  The post Digital Transformation is a never-ending journey with no fixed destination appeared first on Rainbow by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise.
